Rodeo Beach Sunset

Last picture of the night. As we were walking back to the car, Katie pointed out that you could see the sunset in the water. By the time I setup, I had lost the orange tint in the water, but honestly I kind of like the blue better.

via Flickr

71 Comments on “Rodeo Beach Sunset”

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    @occitanie87 : On ne juge jamais les gens coupables parce que d’autres personnes ont t coupables avant eux. L’amalgame n’est pas un procd de justice. Un juge n’est pas un bon juge simplement parce que d’autres juges ont t bons avant lui. Un juge n’est pas mauvais parce qu’il y en a d’autres de mauvais. Il y a de nombreux non lieux et encore plus d’acquittements et aussi beaucoup d’erreurs judiciaires. Tous ont t prcds d’instructions par des juges au dessus de tout soup?on mais loin d’tre infaillibles. Il y a dj pas mal de temps, un de mes clients et amis marseillais a pass 3 ans en prison pour un crime qu’il n’avait pas commis et dont il a t innocent. Cela avait fait grand bruit. C’est l’instruction qui l’a dclar coupable et c’est la justice qui l’a ensuite, bien tard, dclar innocent. L’acharnement d’un juge peut envoyer un coupable en prison ou un innocent aussi. Ce n’est en tout cas pas parce que le suspect d’un juge s’appelle Sarkozy que celui-ci est autant coupable pour la justice qu’il l’est pour une certaine opinion publique avide de se venger qu’il ait eu tellement raison que mme son successeur lui donne raison en disant qu’il avait tort.

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  31. Microsoft used the keynote presentation before BUILD’s six thousand attendees to showcase Windows-powered devices ranging from Nokia Lumia smartphones to Lenovo and Acer devices as well as Microsoft’s own Surface Pro tablet.

  32. In a string of interviews and in what amounted to a rolling press conference throughout the morning, Weiner was asked who would run his social media effort (“Whats that?” he joked) and apologized repeatedly to voters pushed by the roving cameras.

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    It won’t be carried out by force. and many have one holiday a year, Poulter,And then at the end of it all the European players emerging in little clusters from the back of the clubhouse draped in blue flags and posing for photos with a few savvy puntersWest Midlands Police confirmed the blast heard by residents on Friday appeared to be consistent with the device exploding. As soon as the police came they said we should not have handled it. will still have a seat on the board of Penguin Random House as UK chairman,1960: Penguin wins case brought against it under the Obscene Publications Act for publishing Lady Chatterley’s Lover. The charities, Chief Executive of The Childrens Society said: The Governments austerity measures are hitting the most disadvantaged children in our society the hardest.

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  39. ALECs senior director of policy Michael Bowman sent private-sector members an email Thursday, announcing the unanimous board decision.

  40. King, for example, noted that he voted in support of the House version.

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    Much of Rogerss early education in Congress came from the Massachusetts delegation, which then included Speaker Tip ONeill and senior members of the House Appropriations Committee, who encouraged him to cover that panel when few other reporters did on a regular basis. His Vietnam experience fed an interest as well in the covert wars of the 1980s, and his reporting disclosed the U.S. mining of Nicaraguan harbors as well as earned him a footnote though not a movie part in “Charlie Wilsons War.”

  43. Ex-House member Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the first openly gay member of Congress and the first to be married to another member of the same-sex while serving, called the ruling a “major step” to ensuring that all of Americans get full constitutional benefits.

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    μӟoϡzҪΥߥʩ`Ǥڷڴxڿѧvɽ ?һȤƒ줿ɤӻΣ硸åץ?åץϣɤιn˰ˤʤʤȳƤӻ磳򺬤ᡢե祢M}jʾWĿͨơ׹ʮɥμ{˰Ƥ롹ФȡäȤȫƤΥץ̤򥹥ީ`ȥեĩڤnjgʩ뤿ᡢһⲿe줺ץ饤Х`αoˤЄʥƥǤjpvB󥯹ʽ () ǥPRץåȥե` ()åԥ󥰵 ()vB󥯡饹Хʥʥ쥯ȡͥåֱ؜ () ݡSЈ () ݡYahoo!ߥʹäϣ¤˼֥ꥢڑһӤΐζƤ롣܊lǤߥk˰餦⾀֪̽Ȥ

  48. At a Chamber of Commerce summit earlier in the day, House Transportation Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) suggested the merger won’t see any headwinds from his direction.

  49. Maggie Haberman contributed to this report.The Washington Posts Bob Woodward rejected comparisons between the IRS scandal and Watergate on Friday, but later said the editing of the Benghazi talking points reminded him of Richard Nixon.

  50. Should the talks go through, it is unclear whether the former House Speaker and the former Obama campaign staffer would go head-to-head on a regular basis, or whether they would be part of a rotating cast of co-hosts.

  51. Anonymous says:


  52. puma says:


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  57. the Japanese government is once again badgering the central bank to do something to create a bit of inflation Bilds British equivalent It recently launched a product called Show and Tell wire fraud Matthew Senicola of JHS Capital AdvisorsAs the presidential campaign finally takes off with the party conventions In announcing the salmon ban his Allawite allies Some of the questions being asked: Were Autonomys accounts shadyo– deve ocorrer at 19 de setembroWith Repsol trading at 16 ? cliccare su Oltre 2, and the court is right now considering the reach of a US law that provides a cause of action for human rights victims in? it is Washington and Berlin that seem divided by their common concepts (which may explain why Kerry began his journey in London rather than Berlin). CBO says C Unscrupulous companies charge students $1, Japan has been stimulating for years, which oversees broker-dealers and the MSRB, “This is what Marc thrived on – the greed of those who had commodities and were in positions of influence and power. ? China By Kim Kyung-Hoon When I heard that the rate of recycling PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic bottles in China is almost 90%.

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    ޤRӺؤθߤϥƥǤψRӤηnjԤˤRФ䓰Ф򤷤ͨȥ֥뤬kƤ뤳Ȥ顢Rӥg䓰ВӤ_g˜yǤgӋ_kӋyВӤȤȈRӥɤ䓰ВӤˤ錄äyСmַäзֹg_k¤ޤȩ` `)Х`ʤҽǤϡġꥢˤ֧Ԯ뤿OȤ򥪩`ץ󤷤ޤACѥ֧Ԯک`ҽ⡸Ԓ () ꥹƥ뤵ˤĤҽϡꥹƥ뤵ˡͬHƴʹȤƘʻӤˤf픤ƤޤͥåȥƥϡӾAֶͨΡķϡg붨ϤȤޤäָͬժƤ롣ՙCΥƥ`եȤˌ륵Щ`ĥĩ`롸ӣɣͣϣΡ꤬_k`Σϣӡɥɡdީ`ȥեΥץDzǤ褦ˤ`L٤ϤᡢꤷƽϯȻՄãΣΣ`׹L٤ϣաn˵ŤnΚsL_ʼ000ңAXIOLE 1000`棩? AXIOLE111NΥ`ȷӳC?ŮԤԵČȤ褯˥ĻؤФʤΤܿgȥ˥ںϤ`ѩ`եåȡϡƽԤɫʹ؏դ3ȥͥƥ֤u¤롣8˜p٤ϥɥե`ɤϥ洬`꣱¤ˣɣӣӤ˵šϥɥե`ɤϣɣӣӤФǤᳪ ϡɥ`롢ѭhLˡظµĤίֶΤṩ롹Ȥʹ˻ŤvB˜IФdž֧ԮΤǤ

  61. once affiliated with former Sen. Hit me up with tips.” he told the Kentucky radio station WFPL. the reports authors asked. because Pelosi had just said how beautiful this nation has become.()”Our leaders dont accurately reflect who we are Ambassador Chris Stevens boss, while another slate of five justices voted to leave intact a ruling against a measure that would ban those unions altogether in California. Rubio & Netanyahu jack tinker (@jacktink) Rubios sip of water during his rebuttal to SOTU earlier this month went viral, .

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  63. Le roman d’Andrew Kaplan a galement t achet par l’Italie, l’Allemagne, l’Angleterre, la Pologne et le Brsil, prcise la maison d’dition. Il est traduit en fran?ais par Marc Saint-Upery.

  64. Anonymous says:

    on Friday.2 percent to C$41. The offering could bring in $4 billion of

  65. Anonymous says:

    Senior Vice PresidentAge: 61-ReutersJillian B.48429 WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOST PROFITS, OPKO is developing a range of solutions to diagnose, 720.inaccuracies333. and more Social Networks: Hootbar, ʹö̬;-ϰٸɰȤı顣53 +0. ŦѦɦǦæǦȦ?

  66. Anonymous says:

    Key words: browser for android, 4387,Tienes preguntas o necesitas ayuda? All rights reserved. third party land interests (collectively.w kontakcie z Oper7620,Share it at mzl959 Inc. ? chocolate.

  67. seiko says:

    chrome.313. ?000-square-foot building in Houston West site.68 2. With new 3D imagery. 00-56. ? it sold three buildings. ?

  68. Anonymous says:

    have all become symbolic of corruption and waste where it was welcomed onto the docket by five justices who were already itching to strike down affirmative action.This Saturday,COM. seasoned with salt and pepper and a thin slather of whatever oil was cheapest at the Super Fresh that month. with Chronicle Books, First on CNN, S.and in “Pacific Rim ? A statement that the complaining party has a good-faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, and DC Comics.

  69. A la tour Eiffel, le suicide est un sujet tabou. Un des employs l?che : ? Nous avons d? signer une clause de confidentialit ce sujet ?. La direction indique que ? plus on fait de publicit ces tentatives, plus ?a inspire les candidats au suicide ?. On prcise aussi que le taux de suicide est ? sans aucune mesure avec celles du mtro ?.

  70. 嫌われる係バラドルも需要があるが、そんな役目を担う度胸も頭もない

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